Google Nexus One 有很多因素,其中一个因素可能是这个 -
HTC Bravo。与 Google Nexus One 规格几乎完全相同的 HTC Bravo 最主要分别应该是配备 HTC Sense 接口。
根据瑞典 "3 Sweden" 于 Facebook 发放的消息:
"We have just taken the decision to take on HTC Bravo (expected in March) and that basically is the same as mobile Nexus One. "
"3 Sweden"正准备于三月推出 HTC Bravo,这部与 Google Nexus One 几乎相同的手机。既然如此,大家也许可以多等一会,看看这支 HTC Bravo 订价多少吧!