All mobile phones are assigned a unique 15 digit IMEI code upon production. Below you can check all known information regarding manufacturer, model type, and country of approval of a handset.
Tip! The IMEI can be displayed on most mobile handsets by dialling *#06#. Otherwise check the compliance plate under the battery.
Enter IMEI number below
Example: 350077-52-323751-3
Information on IMEI 358065004020484
Type Allocation Holder Hewlett Packard
Mobile Equipment Type Hewlett Packard iPAQ rw 6828
GSM Implementation Phase 2/2+
IMEI Validity Assessment
Very likely
Information on range assignment
Est. Date of Range Issuance Around Q1 2005
Reporting Body British Approvals Board of Telecommunications (BABT)
Primary Market Europe
Legal Basis for Allocation EU R&TTE Directive